
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Moving on up

Hey hey!! .. It's only four days into DreadTober and we are seeing some awesome progress!!Check out Dave's work, he's going pretty ambitious but he's already got a good start!
 Dave G

I've added a few more participants that have come through in the past couple of days. If you don't see your entry pop up immediately don't worry.. I'll get to them as fast as I can 8)

The guys over at Stepping Between Games are all in and have getting geared up.
If you get a chance stop by the other participants blogs and check out what's going on in full detail...  be awesome and throw out some comments! I'll be trying but the rest of this is keeping me busy haha


  1. Loving the upper hull detail on that leviathan.

    Yeah my lot are motoring ahead.

    1. Cheers mate. I thought the decals were a bit too big, and they are, but I’m still pretty pleased with the result 😊

  2. I need to get some pics taken and an update up. Got some pretty solid work in on the Forge Fiends and Death Guard Helbrutes.
