
Saturday, October 28, 2023

October DreadLine Approaches!


Hi folks,

We only have a few days to go before the deadline to mark the end of DreadTober. I can't believe how fast this challenge has gone and how amazing the projects are. I have already started tinkering with the final digest, but there are a few people with projects that are still "in progress". I will hopefully be able to publish the final digest with all the completed projects after Tuesday. We even have a few late entries to the challenge and some entries that were prepared in advance by some dedicated hobbyists who weren't strictly available in October. 

I have been juggling a lot this month, but I am cautiously optimistic that I can paint the last arm of my Dark Angels Ballistus Dreadnought by the deadline 🤞


  1. Coming along really nicely! I already saw your progress over on Instagram - really only the last little push to do!

  2. Looks fantastic - keep on it!

  3. DAMN! Check out that freehand lettering!!

    1. I wish I was that talented, though who knows what one must sacrifice to become so. I used some very cool Dark Angels decals for the lettering. The only freehand I did was the devastator symbol.

    2. "...who knows what one must sacrifice to become so."

      Goats are usual, as I understand it, tho sometimes chickens will suffice ;)

    3. Even if only decals it looks fantastic!

  4. Cutting it fine, but I'm just about to post my own last chapter for this year having managed to get the second Dreadnaught finished at last.
    Your Dark Angels dread is looking fantastic, here's hoping you got the second arm finished.
