Monday, October 21, 2024

DreadTober 2024: Week 3


Hi folks,

This has been a busy week of painting as everyone pushes towards the completion of their projects. If you're anything like me, this stage of the process brings its greatest challenges. You are putting in the work but you are not there yet. Every project has its ugly duckling phase, somewhere between the clear potential of the undercoat and the glory of the final touches. Hard decisions are made, we make compromises, we experience our limitations and stretch beyond them. We pivot and problem solve; embrace the unexpected.  

At some point last week I decided that the saltires on my Death Company Dreadnought really should have a free-hand skull painted smack-bang in the middle. As a result I have had a couple of caffeine-free days as I navigate the increased need for brush control! I'll get good at painting skulls one day...

...let's catch up with everyone and see what they are up to.

Name: XarfaiEngel
Project: Howling Griffons Chaplain Dreadnought Titus (with the option of another Blood Angels Dreadnought as a stretch goal!)
Instagram: @xarfaiengel

Dreadnought Armand Titus is awesome in every aspect. I really love the use of the Howling Griffon's heraldry on the left shoulder to add some colour; excellent work! Of course, the completed Chaplain Dreadnought opens the way for some bonus material; bring on the Blood Angels Dreads.

Name: Neverness
Project: ultramarines Dreadnought

Neverness is lost in the warp at the moment. The Emperor protects.

Name: Siph_Horridus
Project: Imperial Knight
Instagram: @siph_horridus

Siph has been laying down some bright livery on this Cerastus Knight Lancer. It looks like it has jumped out of an old Epic 40K artwork; beautiful!!

Name: Sachiel
Project: Ork Mekka-Dread.

Sachiel has been wondering whether bright yellow or green would work better for this Mekka-Dread's eye. I'm tempted to say green to contrast the yellow of the rust, but yellow would work well too. Hmmm, I can't choose either 😅 Check out the other photos on the blog and see if you can help make the decision.

Name: Tom
Project: Salamanders Dreadnought
Instagram: @university_dave

Tom has laid down some amazing green layers to get this Salamanders Dreadnought on its way. You know me; I'm a sucker for hazard stripe too.

Name: DAM
Project: Blades of Vengeance Invictus Warsuit
Instagram: @262_krieg

DAM's Warsuit is getting very close to completion now. Green and red highlights have gone in and some work has been done on the pilot. There is still some detail work to be done and time is running short, but I have a good feeling about this one. I am so tempted to get my own, now 😀

Name: Dave Weston
Project: Norn Emissary/Assimilator [and 2 Genestealer Cult Sentinels]

Dave has been working on the bone-coloured striations on the Norn Emissary's skin and turquoise on the armoured sections. As you can imagine, this is an exercise in repetitive brush control that can drive one quite mad. Hang in there mate; it looks terrific.


Name: Agis
Project: Domitar battle automata

Agis has been adding some free-hand details and weathering to this Domitar. It looks grim as heck already; that skull head reminds me of the Atlas 'Mech in BattleTech 💀

Name: Wachtmeister
Project: Dark Angels Dreadnought

Wachtmeister posted this picture and said "Check out my Alpha Legion Dreadnought...". A Ravenwing task force has been dispatched to capture him for interrogation. Innocence proves nothing.

Name: jabberjabber
Project: Leviathan Dreadnought

JabberJabber has been busy adding decals to the World Eaters Leviathan Dreadnought. It looks super clean at the moment; I have a feeling things are about to get more... bloody...

Name: Marc
Project: Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought
Instagram: @m4cr0dutch

I have been working on Moriar's sarcophagus; painting straight lines can be so hard sometimes. I tried to make the skull on this saltire a little more... nosferatus. The arms were pretty quick to paint, as I have made the decision to keep most of the power couplings black. I added another blood drop, this time to the left shoulder, with the assumption that the right shoulder will have some kind of white decal. I have actually painted the claws now, but haven't taken any photos yet; that will have to wait until next week.

That's all for now!! With a little over a week to go, I know some folks will be pushing to get their projects finished in time, whilst others may well start tinkering with a bonus project. Good luck everyone, see you next week.


  1. Quite a few projects that are closing in on that finish line! Great progress once again!

  2. I blame my Navigator. He keeps saying his "real life issues" are keeping him from getting my ship out of this warpstorm. I think I'll replace him at the next port...

  3. On the plus side, I am pleased with my progress. Despite the challenging nature and struggle to get back into the painting mindset I am happy with the results, even if my blogposts might suggest otherwise.

    On the minus side, having got the hardest parts out of the way I'm not entirely sure I'll get mine finished. Even dropping the Sentinels may not give me enough time to get the Norn finished. I'm going to keep plugging away, but I have a few nights out between now and the end of DreadTober, so time is running out.

  4. There are some lovely projects coming along fellas. Plenty of time to get them finished, so keep painting.
