DreadTober 2018 Participants


Name: Todd S
Project: Raven guard Contemptor - I've had this guy sitting around since last year and really never had a need to painting him up. So, I figured DreadTober is a good reason..
Site: www.sincain.com

Name: Neverness
Project: Blood Axe Dreadnought-
Site: www.nevernesshobby.blogspot.com

Name: Dave M
Project: Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought
Legio Custodes Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought WIP - adrathic destructors

Name: Alexis W
Project: Either paint a Redemptor Dread and an Armiger Helverin that are already built OR build and paint a new Armiger Helverin. Haven't decided yet.

Name: Siph Horridus
Project: Forge World SM Ironclad Dreadnought

Name: Dave Weston
Project: 2 Imperial Knights... 

Name: Rejects of Anvilus (or Spinny on heresy30k)
Project: Death Guard Leviathan
Site: Instagram- rejectsofanvilus

Name: Mordian7th
Project: House Vyronii Armigers
Site: mordian7th.blogspot.com

Name: Kevin David
Project: Imperial Guard Sentinel (1995 edition)
Site: www.littleplasticpeople.net
Instagram: little.plastic.people

Name: Evan S
Project: Armiger Helverins (most likely - FAQ pending)
Site: www.ftgtgaming.blogspot.com
Insta: ftgtevan

name: wilfrid armstrong
project: custode telemon dreadnought, repaint a blood angels leviathan, finish a pair of blood angels box dreads
site: https://30kbutterfly.blogspot.com/
@liberalchimp (on insta)

Name: Scott Ferguson
Model: Chaplain Ven Dread repaint
Site: thebrushwizard.com / @brushwizard on Twitter / @ryglore on Insta

Name: Dave
Model: legion of the damned leviathan

Name: Joe Kopena
Model: Redemptor Dreadnought
Site: http://www.rocketshipgames.com/blogs/tjkopena/

Name: Kanneth Raymond
Model(s): Prodos games AVP alien King, Tyranid carnifex (repaint), Tyranid Old one eye(repaint), Leviathan dreadnought.
Site: https://creativetwilight.com/

Name: Mike Corr
Models- Redemptor Dreadnought and Imperial Knight
Site- http://standwargaming.blogspot.com/

Name: Rory
Model: Knight Gallant
Site: www.steppingbetweengames.com

Name: Blazmo
Model: Converted 40k Skaven Sydonian Dragoon
Site: https://tabletopapocalypse.blogspot.com/

Name Cylde
Model: Eldar wraithlord
Site: mastodontica.blogspot.com

Name: Marc
Project: Knight Errant "Theseus" Ferrum Fortis
Site: http://oldschoolg4m1ng.blogspot.com

Name: PHaughton
Model: Salamanders Contemptor
Site: https://legioxviii.blogspot.com

Name: Azazel
Projects: Be'lakor, AT-ST, AT-DP
Site: https://azazelx.com/

Name: Evan B
Project: Ravenguard contemptor / Deathguard Leviathan
Site: eb_legionxiv (instagram) or punisher2-2 (heresy30k forum)

Name Gareth Richards
Project: Custodes overwrought
Site: https://dibdabhobbyblog.blogspot.com 

Name - Craig
Dread - relic leviathan
Site - @hobbyheresy (both Instagram and Twitter)

Name - Thomas
Model - Old One Eye
Site - https://hightimesontheeasternfringe.wordpress.com

Name: Dave
Project: redemptor dreadnought
Site: either @dr_monkeyface on twitter/instagram or facebook.com/castingsofcthulhu

Name: Alex
Project: IV Company Ultramarine Redemptor with Lights
 Site: Twitter: @starsmythe313

Joe Saves The Day
Raptors Knight
Site: https://www.joesavestheday.com/

Name: Erik
Project: Hawkshroud Armiger Helverin (aka Shieldbane)
Site: https://sanguineexpectation.blogspot.com


  1. Are we sending updates via Dreadtober gmail address again? Cheers

    1. I think we're going to collate pics pulled from folks blogs/instagrams/etc. this year...

  2. I need to change my pledge to the "Legio Custodes Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought", NOT the "Galatus".

    Best of luck to all participants and a hearty thank you to our hosts!
