Monday, September 16, 2024

DreadTober 2024 is About to Start


By name and by deeds, they FEAR NOTHING! With October two weeks away, it is time to start planning your Dreadnought themed project for DreadTober. 

DreadTober brings people together from all around the world to share in the hobby we all love. Last year we followed the progress of 20 DreadToberteers, as they fired up the forges of their paint table. Who will answer the call in 2024? Whether you are a veteran or a neophyte, the invitation is open to all.

How to Join

Collectors of every faction and game are welcome to participate; the only guideline is that your model should fit on a 60 mm base (or larger!). If you would like to be involved, please post your name, project and site/blog address in the comments. If you post primarily on other social media sites, feel free to provide a link so that people can find you and follow your progress, or let us know which Discord server you like to haunt. Additionally, using the hashtag #dreadtober2024 will help people find your work.


Name: Marc

Project: Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought


Instagram: @m4cr0dutch

Progress Deadlines

I will be doing a round-up of progress at the end of each week. The progress deadline is every Friday at midnight, with the aim of posting your work here every Saturday until the end of October, with a final post or two at the start of November to celebrate our successes.

If you have questions about participating please ask; I aim to be inclusive as possible. Share the invitation to join with your friends and followers; the more the merrier (Dreadier?)!

Good luck everyone; eternal glory awaits!!