Sunday, October 6, 2024

DreadTober 2024 Week 1

Hi folks,

The first week of the challenge was a pretty short one, with the first Friday night deadline swinging around early in the calendar. Don't stress if you haven't posted much progress so far. Of course, some people started their projects early to make the most out of the challenge time and increase their chances of finishing!! All is fair in love and war, and in the grim darkness of the far future, there isn't a whole lot of the former.

Name: XarfaiEngel
Project: Howling Griffons Chaplain Dreadnought Titus (with the option of another Blood Angels Dreadnought as a stretch goal!)
Instagram: @xarfaiengel

The old forgeworld Chaplain is such an imposing model; this project is going to look fantastic. I'm loving that heavy bolter on the Blood Angels Dreadnought too. I really wish I had picked up one of those when I had the chance.

Name: Neverness
Project: ultramarines Dreadnought

Neverness has managed to get enough pieces for a Redemptor dreadnought by collecting the Imperium magazine. The last couple of issues include some resources to help collectors build a story for their Dreadnought, so be sure to check out the blog to learn more about the background of this mighty warrior.


Name: Siph_Horridus
Project: Imperial Knight
Instagram: @siph_horridus

Siph will be working on an Imperial Knight Cerastus Lancer. It is going to take a hell of a lot of work but Siph has the chops to get the job done.

Name: Sachiel
Project: Ork Mekka-Dread.

It is great to see the Orks getting some love this year, after all, it is OrkTober as well!! The Mekka-Dread is a fantastic old model from Forgeworld, which can really tear up the battlefield. This 3D print looks great; I can't wait to see some paint on it. Sachiel has started some construction work already, which is going to take a considerable effort; make sure you check the blog to see some more work in progress.

Name: Tom
Project: Salamanders Dreadnought
Instagram: @university_dave

Most of you will know that I am a real sucker for old school Warhammer. Tom is working on one of my favourite models from that era and has selected a great Chapter to focus on. I already love the subtle conversion of the sarcophagus; that's the kind of thing a Dark Angels player  from the 90's notices! I wonder if we will see some free-hand flames...

Name: DAM
Project: Blades of Vengeance Invictus Warsuit
Instagram: @262_krieg

DAM has already completed a stonking amount of progress on this Warsuit. I have always found the Invictus a slightly odd Space Marine model, torn between the obvious dangers of having an open cockpit and my love of the power loader in Aliens :-) This project may be the inspiration I need to do one for my urban Dark Angels.

Name: Dave Weston
Project: Norn Emissary/Assimilator [and 2 Genestealer Cult Sentinels]

Dave already has two (three?) projects on the boil and is a couple of stages into the painting process already. The Norn model is enormous and is going to require quite a bit of detail work (I'm thinking the brains and the armour are going to be a challenge. It will be interesting to see how it looks with the brainy bits painted!

Name: Agis
Project: Domitar battle automata

Agis has well deserved reputation for constructing and painting brilliant Legio Cybernetica models. I am excited to see how this model shapes up; Agis has already had to pivot and make some interesting modelling decisions during the preparation phase. There is nothing like missing pieces to awaken the kit-bashing spirit! Check out the blog to read the full story.

Name: Wachtmeister
Project: Dark Angels Dreadnought

The Wachtmeister and I have been fellow participants in the 2nd Edition Army Challenge, for quite some time now. The camaraderie we share is a testament to the power of these challenges; they bring people together from all over the world to pour their creativity into a shared interest. With two models to choose from, I am hoping The Wachtmeister chooses the old school option. Having painted the Ballistus last year myself though, and having had an absolute blast, I won't blame him if he goes for the more contemporary model. Also, check out that scale creep!

Name: jabberjabber
Project: Leviathan Dreadnought

Jabberjabber has completed the construction of this Leviathan project and laid down some primer. Despite some issues with the first coat and limited time in October to work on the project, I am confident Jabberjabber will knock this one out of the ball-park. Check out the Warpstone Flus blog to see some amazing Horus Heresy creations.


Name: Marc
Project: Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought
Instagram: @m4cr0dutch

I have been busy converting an old Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought into Moriar the Chosen; legendary Dreadnought of the Death Company. So far the construction has gone quite smoothly and I have managed to complete the banner. I have ordered in some decals as well, which will hopefully make it to me before the final deadline; fingers crossed!!

Good luck everyone!! Keep up the good work.